What is CRISIL Mutual Fund Ranking | What is CRISIL Rated Mutual Fund Ranking | Explained

Methodology for CRISIL Mutual Fund Ranking (CMFR) is based on global best practices. It was launched in June 2000 and since then it has gained high acceptance among investors, intermediaries and asset management companies.

CMFR covers various categories across equity, debt and hybrid asset classes. Unlike most other ranking models, which are based purely on returns or net asset value (NAV), CMFR uses a combination of NAV and portfolio-based attributes for evaluation. This provides a single point analysis of mutual funds, taking into consideration key parameters such as risk-adjusted returns, asset concentration, liquidity and asset quality.

The ranks are assigned on a scale of 1 to 5, with CRISIL Fund Rank 1 indicating ‘very good performance’. In any peer group, the top 10 percentile of funds are ranked as CRISIL Fund Rank 1 and the next 20 percentile as CRISIL Fund Rank 2.


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