About us

The Gainers is a fintech startup that provides online financial consultation and investment services to its customers. We have evolved from a simple portal – udtapaisa.com – to a comprehensive platform that covers various domains such as Home Loans, Business Loans, Fixed Deposit, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, and Mutual Fund. We have a team of experienced Fund Managers who create customized portfolios for each customer based on their needs and preferences. We also have a network of equity and debt capital investors who help us secure the best valuation, terms and conditions for our clients. We are proud to be one of the fastest growing online invest aggregators in India and the best financial advisor in Delhi-NCR region. We value our long-term relationships with our clients and strive to create a ‘wow’ factor in every service we offer. To know more about us and our services, please visit our website or call us today.

The Gainers is a brand name owned by RMR technology (Date of Initial Registration: 27/10/2017), which is a platform that helps you invest in mutual funds as per SEBI regulations. You have full control and access to your money as it is held in your name with the mutual fund company. You can also directly deal with the mutual fund company anytime you want.

We are an AMFI-registered Mutual Fund Distributor and we provide you with services such as tracking your investments, processing your transactions and sending you periodic statements. You can also view your investments through our dashboard and transaction centre. We ensure that all your transactions are safe and secure with 256-bit SSL encryption, which is the same standard used by banks. We value your trust and security and we strive to provide you with the best investment experience.

Our mission is to empower you to achieve your financial goals by providing you with unbiased advice, transparent information and personalized solutions.

We believe that investing should be simple, convenient and rewarding for everyone. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, we have something for you. You can choose from our curated plans based on your risk profile, time horizon and objectives. You can also create your own plan by selecting from over 5000 mutual fund schemes across all categories and asset classes. You can invest in lump sum or SIP mode, switch or redeem your funds anytime, and get tax benefits as per the applicable laws.

We are not just an online platform, we are also your partner in wealth creation. We have a dedicated customer support team that is available 24/7 to assist you with any queries or issues. You can also access our blog, newsletter and webinars to get insights and tips on various aspects of investing. We also conduct regular events and workshops to educate and engage our customers on various topics related to finance and investing.

We invite you to join The Gainers family and experience the difference. We promise you that we will always put your interests first and help you grow your wealth with confidence and ease.

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Need help with investing?

Call to get help from an expert.

or call us at 997 100 9292 / 882 689 6236

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